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Steven Lo Ricco

Golf Holiday Specialist

Steven has been with Great Golf Escapes since 2023 and loves nothing more than setting up exciting bespoke golf travel trips.

After travelling to Vietnam for several years, it was there his golf travel bug began.

At Great Golf Escapes, Steven is able to share his knowledge of what makes a great golf holiday including many dream destinations aruond the world.

When not at work, Steven enjoys family life with his wife and daughter. He loves his golf and makes sure he gets out onto the course at least a few times a month. 

During the Melbourne winter Steve's beloved Hawthorn Hawks get him though the months while preparing for Spring and Summer holidays for our clients.

Steven is here to help you live our your golf travel desires.

m: +61-404-299-516

t: +61-3-9563-6776

m: +61-404-299-516

Steven Lo Ricco
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